Do you want your fasting and prayer life to be better? Look no further! We compiled top tips and useful materials to help you conduct this spiritual exercise more effectively, and also provide insight into the benefits of fasting and praying.
We looked into different questions that people are asking, and we decided to share some tips that we have tried and worked for us. Here is the ultimate guide!
5 Best Tips to Conduct Effective Fasting and Prayer
Choose a Decent Location
Your location is very important when involved in any fasting and prayer exercise. The standard that the Bible established in Luke 4:2 is a quiet place. Jesus observed His forty days and forty nights of fasting in the wilderness, where He was alone and there was no distraction while praying. Samely, you need a silent and decent environment to fully concentrate and have a rewardable time with God.
Stay Away from Sin
If you want the purpose of your fasting to be achieved, then you must avoid sin by all means. Understand that a fasting and praying period is a time of sanctity and abstinence from all works of the flesh. Also, the Bible says the righteousness of a sinner is like a filthy rag before God; therefore you should not allow sin to be a stumbling block to receiving answers to your prayers.
Avoid Food
An effective fasting and praying comes with a lot of sacrifices and food is one of those things to run away from. This is necessary because it is the essence of fasting.
It is also possible to be tempted like Jesus, however, one of the best ways to avoid this trap is by keeping a good distance from your food items.
Be Cheerful
According to Matthew 6:6, Jesus Christ warns against putting on a sad look. It does not only hinders prayers from being answered, but it also makes one look ugly. The Bible goes on to say that fasting should be kept a secret between you and God; otherwise it’s all hypocrisy.
Hence, you see fasting and praying as a rare opportunity to spend quality time with God, to commune with him, and draw from his blessings in all cheerfulness.
Exercise Faith
No one observes a prayer and fasting without a purpose or want of miracles. However, that can only happen when you have are intentional about it. So, faith is very important. You need to exercise it in good measure, believing that what you will receive all you ask God.
Fasting and Prayer Materials
Prayer Plan
Of course, there is no one that likes to embark on a journey with no serious plan. To enjoy the full benefits of fasting and prayer, you need a prayer plan, outline your needs, and follow it religiously. That way, you will be composed and be able to pray in a coordinated manner.
The Bible is one, if not the most important material you need during any fasting activity. This is because it is not just the time to seek the face of God for blessings, but to also hear from Him. In this connection, God might decide to speak to you through His word.
Studying the word of God is how to renew your knowledge of the word and remain solid in the spirit.
Also, you need the Bible to be able to tackle any temptation of Satan. The devil usually wants to seize believers’ isolation to spur them into sinning. Remember that Jesus was able to shun the devil with the word of God. It is therefore important to have the Bible as your companion and be armed to teeth with the word of God.
Spiritual Journal
You also need a journal in the course of the exercise. It will help to monitor your progress so far. With a spiritual journal, you can easily note the miracles, revelations, and answers you receive from God. In the same manner, you can keep track of your yet-to-be-answered prayers and press God for answers.
Read more on the importance of keeping a journal during personal devotions with God.
Spiritual Books or Sermon
Another material to complement the Bible and are spiritual books or sermon from men of God. Prayer and fasting time is usually not a time to be idle. It also include activities such reflecting on God’s words and purpose for our lives. You can also receive more enlightenment through the messages or spiritual books by his anointed servants.
Alarm Watch
Although you might not need an alarm watch when you really seep into the spiritual realm, you might as well need to time yourself during your break hours and avoid overspending time on nothing.
Top 5 Benefits of Fasting and Prayer
Fasting and Praying time are usually rewarding times in the presence of God. Hence, we like to give you an insight into the benefits of partaking in the spiritual activities.
- Self Reflection: Being a time of silence, you have the blessing of reflecting on your life and knowing your state, and asking God exactly what you need.
- Exposure to the mind of God: When you fast and engage God with sincere prayers, He will expose deep revelations to you, leaving you with a deeper knowledge of his nature.
- Intimacy with God: Since fasting and prayer time relates to a one-on-one fellowship with God, it is equally when to have bond with Him.
- Spiritual Growth: The implication of the above benefits is spiritual growth. There is just no way you will leave your location the same way you go if you truly observe an effective praying and fasting activity.
- Miracles: God does not disappoint, all that is needed for your prayers and fasting to yield miracles is faith and consistency.
In this article, we explained fasting and prayer as an activity that require self-denial and commitment to receive from God. We also shared top tips, useful materials and some of the benefits of observing effective fasting and praying altogether.
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