One of the frequently asked questions online is: how to overcome sexual immorality? This is not surprising, because many people find themselves in this embarrassing situation and are looking for a way out.
If you come across this post while trying to rid of immoral thoughts and sexual practices, you are in the right place to find a permanent solution. We took time to explain some proven strategies that have helped many people overcome sexual sins.
All you need to do is read the article and follow through the processes recommended below.
But just before we get into that, let’s discuss a few things.
What is Sexual Immorality?
Sexual immorality refers to any sex-related activity committed out of wedlock. Examples are adultery, fornication, incest, lust, pornography, masturbation, commercialisation of sex, prostitution, etc. They are addictive and destructive sinful practices the Bible strongly condemns and also warns Christians to stay away from.
Because of its addictive nature, overcoming sexual immorality does not happen easily. It takes a lot pain, sacrifices and self-denials to have a mind that is free. With this, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that sexual immorality is one of the recognised traps Satan sets to gain as many people as possible into his circle.
But have you ever thought of the reason Christians are guilty of these sinful acts today? Believers are the major targets of the devil. The Bible reveals in 1Peter 5:8 that the devil is the enemy of our soul; he hunts after us every day.
In the same connection, many things can trigger sexual sins. These include:
- Poor prayer life
- Temptation
- Poverty
- Weak boundaries
- Sex starvation in marriage
- Corrupt association
- Social media influence
As one with many tricks and vices, Satan often entices Christians by making sexual sins attractive. He ensures they get addicted to these self-gratifying acts and makes them fall short of God’s glory.
Note that the devil is always interested in gaining more souls. His ultimate aim is to bring many people to face the eternal wrath and condemnation of God.
However, the sooner you realise that sexual immorality is a bondage of sin and Satan, the better it is for you to break that yoke and get restored back to God.
Is it Possible to Repent of Sexual Immorality?
It is possible to repent of sexual sin because God is merciful, kind and forgiving. It only takes genuine repentance to receive pardon and cleansing from Him.
Romans 3:23 says “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” The wish of God for man, however, is eternal life, not death or punishment in hell. Also, 1Timothy 2:6 tells us that God would rather have all men saved than condemn them to death.
God’s provision for the salvation of man from sin is the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. Therefore, if you have fallen into any act of sexual immorality, you can repent and receive pardon and grace.
How to Overcome Sexual Immorality: 10 Steps to Follow
Have you been attempting to flee sexual immorality, but you keep falling back to sin? Here is the good news: You can find a permanent solution today!
Follow these 10 proven steps and experience the change you so desire.
1. Ask for Forgiveness
The first step to having victory over sexual sins is repentance. To be free, you need to acknowledge your sexual sins, confess them, and ask for forgiveness.
Hebrews 4:16 encourages that you should boldly approach the throne of grace, so you may have mercy and find grace.
While repenting from sexual immorality, however, you must be sincere, sober, and humble to a fault. The genuineness of your repentance will attract God’s mercy and favour, and you will receive pardon for your sins.
2. Study the Bible Daily
For you to grow, mature and maintain a constant relationship with God, you need to study the Bible always. It is the word of God that will help you live a balanced and victorious life.
Different case studies have shown that the word of God is a powerful tool that can be used to overcome any temptations. For example, when the devil tempted Jesus, He could have fallen easily, but the knowledge of the Bible gave him power to resist the devil.
3. Pray Without Ceasing
If you make praying a habit, it will be difficult for Satan to penetrate your life and make a mess of it.
Understand that the devil is unhappy because you repented of committing sexual immorality. He won’t give up easily on his goal of drawing you back into sin. In the same manner, you should not lose guard; pray always so that you can overcome the advances of the devil.
4. Dispose Every Ungodly Devices
In your past life, you know those things that arouse your desire for the flesh and its gratifying desires. It is high time you disposed them and embrace a new life in Christ.
The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: old things have passed away and all things are now new.
To pursue sexual purity, you must get rid of any item that can lead you back to sin. For instance, the pornographic pictures, videos, toys and other vices in your possession should be disposed.
Until you thoroughly sanitise your space, you will remain vulnerable to sexual sins.
See Also: Bible Verses about Hope: See How to Find Strength in Hard Times
5. Set Boundaries
Earlier, we identified weak boundaries as a factor that may trigger someone into sexual sins. If you live without certain principles, you would be susceptible to lustful thoughts and gratifying desires.
You need to block every loophole that can make you vulnerable to sin. For instance, you can set the following boundaries for yourself:
- Block all access to your old sexual partners
- Restrict your phone from porn-websites
- Delete TV channels with sexually explicit content
- Regulate your time on the internet
- Filter your search engines from showing explicit content.
6. Avoid Corrupt Conversations
Fleeing sexual immorality includes staying away from gatherings where people have dirty talks. You should be careful of the conservations you listen to.
Rather, if you come across any unhealthy conservation, walk away so that you will not be misguided and your thoughts will also not be corrupted.
7. Reject Ungodly Invitations
Renouncing your old ways doesn’t mean that you will not be tried or lured to sin again. Truth is, the devil knows how much you had contributed to his kingdom before accepting Jesus into your life.
But since you have no business with the works of the flesh any longer, you must reject every invitation and advances of the devil, no matter how attractive they might seem.
God has given you the power to say NO. Use it!
8. Moderate Your Social Media
The social media is full of distractions. It has many sexual contents that may pop up on your screens without even requesting them. This is why it is necessary for you to moderate your session on social media.
9. Marriage
If you have come of age and ripe for marriage, then consider marriage as an option.
We recommend marriage as one of the ways to overcome sexual immorality because having a partner can help you become responsible and committed. It will control your indiscriminate sexual appetite and help you live a healthy life.
10. Be Content with Your Spouse
Though human desires are generally insatiable, 1 Timothy 6:6 says that “godliness with contentment is a great gain.” So understand that God would rather have you committed and faithful to your spouse than cheat on them.
FAQs on How to Overcome Sexual Immorality
Can You Repent of Sexual Immorality?
Of course, you can repent of sexual immorality and receive mercy and pardon for your sins. The death of Christ has made provision for the forgiveness of all sins.
How Do I Overcome Sexual Temptation?
To overcome sexual temptation, you need to repent of your sins, pray always, study the Bible daily, and flee from all appearances of evil.
One of the most destructive traps man can ever fall into is sexual immorality. Unfortunately, many Christians found themselves locked in this mess. In this article, we highlighted 10 proven strategies to get rid of the messy situation alongside helpful Bible verses.
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